Trauma Informed Physiotherapy

A mind body approach to recovery over management

A whole body approach to you

Our belief has always been to try to gain an understanding of the deepest roots of a person’s issues, helping as holistically and thoroughly as are able. By doing this, we can treat root cause instead of simply treating symptoms as they present.

RD Physiotherapy founder, Rodger Duckworth has genuine, lived experience of chronic illness and ill health, and it is this lived experience that underpins our approach to patient care and healing.

“Throughout my career, as well as through my own healing journey from a chronic autoimmune heart condition, I have come to understand that often, many health conditions and pains are more connected than we might imagine.  

That might sound obvious, but many people have sadly come to realise that the UK healthcare system does not work this way. Rather they ‘put the fire out’ and address the immediate, seemingly separate issue alone.  

What if we could see that the mind and body are one thing? What if we could see some common cause or deep understanding manifesting in lots of different ways.”

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What is trauma?

It is simply defined as … anything which overwhelms the nervous system’s ability to cope. We all experience differing emotions throughout life’s ups and downs, and have varying, subjective perceptions of what overwhelms us as individuals.

Encountering difficult emotions including anger, sadness and embarrassment is perfectly normal and healthy.

 We feel emotions within our body.

So, if these difficult feelings are too much for the body to handle, we may create some maladaptive way of coping. This may result in trauma being locked into the body, subsequently creating chronic pain and stress illness.

The good news is we can re-programme our nervous system to allow healthy and safe release of trapped trauma from the body.

So, there is hope – the first step is to get in touch and book an appointment.

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